Women’s Rights Defenders Academy “JurFem”
– the first full-fledged educational gender law programme for female solicitors and lawyers in Ukraine!
September 2022
– April 2023

Lviv, Ukraine
For female solicitors & lawyers that are already working or are only planning to work in the field of protection against discrimination and gender-based violence, in particular, to conduct strategic cases.
пройти попередній відбір, оскільки кількість учасниць обмежена
про результати відбору вас повідомлять електронною поштою до 05.09.2022 р.
участь в Академії безплатна* (навчання, проживання та харчування покриваються організаторками);
*Організаторками не покриваються транспортні витрати.
обовʼязкова участь у всіх 7-ми модулях.

Як взяти участь?
Module I
“Emotional resources of women who defend the human rights”
NATALKA SHPOT – business consultant, certified coach and Gestalt consultant, business trainer, lecturer of managerial and master’s programs at Lviv Business School (LvBS) and academic leader of “HRM in business”. Develops and conducts original training programs for managers, carries out consulting projects.

Module II
“Gender discrimination: concepts, counteractions and manifestations in war conditions”
OKSANA GUZ – human rights defender, senior partner of JSC “Prove”, lawyer of “JurFem: support”
IRYNA FEDOROVYCH – director of the public organization Centre “Social Action”, co-chair of the coordinating council of the Coalition to Combat Discrimination in Ukraine
Module III
“Gender-based violence as the most condemnable violation of human rights and as a war crime”
HALYNA FEDKOVYCH – lawyer, chief lawyer of the Center “Women’s Perspectives” and co-founder of the Ukrainian Lawyers Women Association “JurFem”.
ARTEM KRIKUN -TRUSH – lawyer of “JurFem: support”, has an expert in the field of war crimes and international humanitarian law completed the course of international criminal law in Nuremberg. Manager of the White-Collar Crime department within JSC “PwC Legal” in Ukraine. He has over 11 years of experience in investigations, criminal law and business protection.
Module IV
“Gender sensitive communication between female lawyers and clients”
IRYNA HLUSHCHENKOVA – JustGroup expert, head of the department for community work and human capital development, certified business coach and facilitator, coach of ToT programs. She has 18 years of experience in the field of business education and 10 years of experience in management.

Module V
"The right to privacy as a guarantee of the protection of women's rights"
ANNA LYSKO – managing partner of JSC “LI Partners”, lawyer, mediator, honorary member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, deputy chairman of the mediation committee of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, a graduate of the “Future Lawyer” program
SVITLANA ILNYTSKA – partner of JSC “LI Partners”, mediator, member of the board of the Lviv Mediation Center, member of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, a graduate of the “Lawyer of the Future” program
HALYNA FEDKOVYCH – lawyer, chief lawyer of the Center “Women’s Perspectives” and co-founder of the Ukrainian Lawyers Women Association “JurFem”.
MARTA CHUMALO – is a co-founder of the Women’s Perspectives Center, a human rights activist, feminist, and psychologist who has experience in assisting survivors of domestic violence, has been working on gender equality and women’s rights for over 25 years
NATALIIA RADIONOVA – is a lawyer, a member of “JurFem”, a mediator, a trainer for the implementation of international standards for the protection and representation of the rights of children who are in conflict and contact with the law, a legal adviser of the KP “Kryvorizky Center for Prevention and Combating AIDS” DOR”
Module VІ
“Appealing to international courts”
GENOVEVA TISHEVA – is an invited Bulgarian expert, one of the initiators and authors of the Bulgarian law on protection from domestic violence, as well as a member of the CEDAW Committee.
Єва Сушко – Юристка у Регламентному комітеті Парламентської Асамблеї Ради Європи, юристка в Європейському суді з прав людини (2012-2017); юристка у Департаменті виконання рішень Європейського суду з прав людини (2011-2012); залучається до експертної роботи в проектах Ради Європи та співпрацює як лекторка з різними національними та міжнародними правозахисними організаціями; викладає курс «Практичні аспекти застосування Європейської конвенції з прав людини» для слухачів Українського Вільного Університету; отримала ступінь магістра права у Львівському національному університеті імені Івана Франка та Університеті Страсбурга.
Наталія Сорока – адвокатка, директорка Західноукраїнського бюро Укрінюрколегії, кандидатка юридичних наук, доцентка кафедри європейського права ЛНУ імені Івана Франка. Асоційована членкиня Українсько-американської асоціації юристів (Ukrainian American Bar Association UABA), Палати спадкових генеалогістів Франції (Chambre des Généalogistes Successoraux de France).
Module VII
“Communication between female lawyers and Media”
LARYSA DENYSENKO – is a human rights defender, lawyer, writer, media person, co-founder, and member of the JurFem board. Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (1995). Member of the Board of Public Radio. Feminist. Ambassador of tolerance of UNDP in Ukraine since 2017.
TETYANA TROSCHYNSKA – is the editor-in-chief and deputy head of the Board of Public Radio, presenter. Ph.D. in public administration, invited lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Government named after A. Meleshevich. Trainer in media literacy, gender-sensitive journalism, and crisis communication.
Our partner is the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation, which has been successfully implementing “The Women’s Human Rights Training Institute” since 2004. The Institute is a unique educational program for professional development of lawyers from Central and Eastern Europe and newly independent states on the protection of women’s rights.
*The project is being implemented by the public organisation “The Association of Women-Lawyers of Ukraine “JurFem”” in partnership with the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF) with financial support from the European Union.